Preuss | Foster Law filed a lawsuit in Henry County, Missouri claiming that Evergy and other companies are accountable for toxic chemicals and carcinogens present around its now closed power plant located near Montrose, Missouri. Since closing, Evergy has hauled and dumped fly ash – a hazardous byproduct of coal generated power plants – in the Montrose site from its other plants.

Residents in the surrounding areas have been expressing concerns about possible contamination from the fly ash. Recent tests showed elevated levels of cancer-causing substances on properties surrounding the disposal site. Testing revealed concerning levels of hazardous materials, including hexavalent chromium, radium, arsenic, lithium and lead, in water and soil samples from various properties in the vicinity, including a local school.

Our investigation has been ongoing for several months, raising awareness among residents about the issue. While some answers have emerged, much remains to be discovered.

Our firm now represents numerous nearby property owners. We continue to test properties of other concerned residents in the area for safety. Preuss | Foster Law is dedicated to assisting the communities affected by this contamination. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to be added to the list for property testing.