Preuss | Foster Delivers Results.

$825,000 Motor vehicle accident

Motor vehicle accident

In Poweshiek County, Iowa, a Motor Vehicle Accident involving our clients, a married couple, occurred when their vehicle was forcefully rear-ended at a speed of approximately 70 mph. The driver, navigating I-80, was distracted, looking at his phone, and failed to heed warnings of slowing traffic and lane closure displayed on road signs and an electronic sign. This driver, lacking experience in night driving and carrying multiple passengers, caused the collision.

Following the accident, our client immediately experienced pain that escalated in the subsequent weeks. Symptoms included a clicking and grinding sensation in the neck, especially during extension, and pronounced vertigo. Diagnostic imaging revealed severe compression at C3-4, C4-5, and C6, along with mild cord impingement at C3-4 and C4-5, necessitating surgical intervention. The surgeon conducted a multi-level cervical fusion using an anterior approach, involving repositioning the esophagus for direct access to the cervical spine. While the surgery was successful, our client now faces challenges with range of motion, overhead lifting, and performing many pre-accident activities of daily living.

In addition to the physical trauma, our clients incurred substantial medical expenses, a decline in earning capacity due to injuries, and emotional distress, resulting in a diminished quality of life and loss of enjoyment. The emotional and psychological impact of the accident remains profound.

In the aftermath of the accident, our clients have continued to navigate the challenging road to recovery. The legal victory, while significant, is just one facet of their journey. The funds obtained will help cover ongoing medical treatments, rehabilitation services, and adaptive equipment necessary to improve their daily living conditions.

Their story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of attentive and responsible driving. It highlights how a momentary lapse in attention can have lifelong consequences.

Preuss | Foster successfully secured over $800,000 to cover their injuries, expenses, and pain and suffering caused by the negligence of a distracted driver.